Video of the Day

Creative Coconut Genius Craftsman From India

In article by featured on The News minute website by Haritha John there is an interview with coconut craftsman Haris Thaha.

Haris crafts a range of objects mode of the coconut shells and other waste materials from the coconut tree.  That are turned into wristwatch straps, spoons, kitchen utensils, helmets, clocks, water jugs, gramaphone and even table fans.

He wants to use his work as a platform to promote that coconut shell can be a valuable resource, he even runs workshops and training free to share his knowledge so other villages can generate an income from making coconut shell based products and sell them.

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Creative Coconut Genius Craftsman From India  Creative Coconut Genius Craftsman From India Reviewed by Eat Drink Coconut on 15:10:00 Rating: 5

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